Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm ALL In!!!!

Yes!!!! I got my locks!!! I got my babies on September 13-15, 2010 in about 18 hours... I haven't counted them... YET! It looks like a LOT! I started my installation on Monday the 13th at 5:00 PM. I didn't feel that my consultant and I bonded so I was a bit concerned, but my fears were alleviated the first day. We have the same taste when it comes to television, crime shows, so that took care of that, lol! We originally thought that 2 days would be enough, we underestimated the size of my dome...On the first day we did about 7 hours, and 3/4 of the front was done...

Then came Day 2.... On Tuesday, I went back at the same time, and by the second hour we realized.... I HAVE A BIG HEAD!!! We finished what was left of the front and started on the back, keyword here is STARTED... At that point, we figured it was time to add Day 3 to our schedule, and I am dying with anxiety because my camera has free space (Gasp!!!), is charged and ready to take pics of my babies! I must have taken 2 dozen pictures of my half finished SL's, so just imagine what happened once I had the finished product... Yea, I know! I went camera crazy!!!

Day 3 came, and WE WERE DONE!!!! Now the most exciting thing about my installation... I had all my friends, coworkers, classmates and family as anxious (some way more) as I was. They were counting down with me and for me. So as you can understand, I had to make an entrance at school and at work the following day... Thursday, September 15, 2010... Well, here are the pics, I'll let you be the judge!

On my way to school, the day after my complete installation! I got new hair, and to hear my friends tell it... I GOT A NEW ATTITUDE!!! I suppose I can add the other pics... Did I mention I went camera crazy?! I LOVE my SL's!

My SL's on their first Sunday service, about 3 days in, my ends were all curled up! I love my hair texture! Didn't have to wait for the curly Q's... Yes!!!

A close up of my curled up ends... Ok maybe one more pic, lol

I've already been one week and 100+ pics into my journey, including my first braiding, banding and washings pics (next post).... So please feel free to visit my blog and follow my journey... Just please do NOT copy my pics without my permission. THANKS!

Be Blessed All,

Mondy, SL'd 1 week


  1. You look great! I am considering cutting my relaxed ends off, but I want to look as put together as you do. I noticed that your sides seemed to have filled in from the time that you took the picture of your TWA to the install. Congratulations on your locks!

  2. Thanks, Dominica! I think part of it is the attitude! I remember looking at your blog when I was researching SL's! I actually considered doing a short cut like you did! But I really wanted to do the SL journey from the all natural, short look and see them do their thing, I'm so glad I did! I say cut out the perm ends, if you feel good in them, it'll show.... You'll be glowing! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog! Please come back to mine and share your feedback!

  3. Your screen name is fitting:) These are some Fabulous pics! Welcome to the family.

    ~Natural High

  4. Thank you! I love your blog! Also love the support from the fellow SL sistahs! Thanks for visiting and be sure to come again! Be blessed!

  5. OMG i could feel YOUR excitement!! they look GOOOOOOD!!! i just got mine installed about 5 days ago and still got the NEWBIE FEVER...check out my blog at

    go girl!!

  6. Oh, I am GOING, lol! Thank you!!!! The best part even after almost 3 weeks the excitement is STILL HERE!!! Now I am just anxious for my babies to mature and grow, in the meantime, I plan on enjoying EVERY SINGLE STAGE!!!! I checked your blog from the Lockitup group, and I loved it! Cannot wait to see your progress!
